Brian Linsenbach

Brian grew up in the Dillsburg, Pa. area, graduated from Northern High School in 1984, and currently lives with his wife, Heidi, in the mountains on the western side of the Dillsburg area.
He is the father of two children, three stepchildren, and four grandchildren. He is an avid biker and enjoys riding his motorcycle, enjoys numerous outdoor sports, such as hunting, shooting, riding his tractor on the mountain, and gathering firewood.
Prior to working in the legal field, Brian worked in the transportation and warehouse industry in various positions while attaining manager of operations.
That experience provides him a thorough understanding of all aspects of business including revenue / expenses, employment matters, profit and loss, and business ownership.
Practice Areas
Brian concentrates his practice in a number of areas of the law, including, but not limited to, real estate law, business law, municipal law, estate planning and administration, administrative law, litigation and family law.
Real Estate Law includes such matters as residential and commercial real estate transactions and settlements, preparation of documents such as, but not limited to, deeds, notes, mortgages, agreements of sale, installment agreements, homeowners associations, easements, right-of-ways, landlord-tenant matters, leases, quiet title and ejectment actions, and litigations.
Business Law includes such matters as the formation, dissolution, merger and acquisition f corporations, S-Corporations, LLCs, partnerships, fictitious names, sole proprietorships, and preparation and review of contracts.
Municipal Law includes such matters as subdivision, land development, zoning matters, and hearings before the township, boards, or agencies.
Estate Planning and Administration includes the preparation of Wills, Trusts, Powers of Attorney, Living Wills, Guardianships, probate of estates, and also the preparation of inheritance tax returns.
Administrative Law includes administrative agency hearings and appeals.
Family Law includes such matters as divorce, custody, pre- and post-nuptial agreements.
Professional Background
Admitted: Pennsylvania Bar, 2001; Middle District of Pennsylvania, 2002; United States Tax Court, 2002; United States Supreme Court, 2005
Law School: Widener University Law School, J.D., Cum Laude, 2001
College: Penn State University, B.S. – Finance
High School: Northern High School
Professional Affiliations: York County Bar Association, Pennsylvania Bar Association, American Land Title Association (ALTA), Pennsylvania State Association of Township Supervisors (PSATS), Agent for First American Title Insurance, approved attorney for Penn Attorneys Title Insurance, and Notary Public since March of 2003.
Local Affiliations: Life Member of Dillsburg VFW – Post 6771, Member-Sons of the American Legion – Squad No. 26, Dillsburg, Pa; Life Member of Harley Owners Group (HOG); Life Member of Penn State Alumni; Master Mason of Grand Lodge F. & A.M. of Pennsylvania (St. John’s Lodge No. 260); Member of Fraternal Order of Eagles (FOE) Carlisle, Pa.; Member-Loyal Order of Moose Lodge, Shippensburg, Pa.; Member of Minnequa Social Club, Shippensburg, Pa.; VFW Riders; and Northern York County Historical & Preservation Society (NYCHAPS).